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NTHU Epidemic Prevention Guidelines (August 15 , 2023)

1. Self-health monitoring:
(1) Measure your body temperature and report immediately if the temperature is higher than 37.5 degrees.
(2) Keep your hands clean: Sanitize your hands.
(3) Wear a mask: Replace the mask immediately after sneezing or contamination.
(4) Do not go to class while you’re sick and go to a doctor as soon as possible.
(5) Do not talk while you’re eating: if you have a fever or feel uncomfortable, do not attend gatherings.

2. Tested positive on COVID-19 rapid test
(1) Effective since March 20th, 2023, mild COVID-19 cases exempt from isolation while moderate and severe cases will be required to report. 
(2) Effective since Aug. 15th, 2023, individuals who test positive on COVID-19 rapid test should perform 0+5 days of self-health management, starting from the day of the onset of their symptoms or performing the rapid test. Individuals can end their self-health management period if they test negative on a rapid test or when 5 days have passed since the onset of their symptoms or the date of their positive test. Important notices during the period are as follows:
A. Individuals with symptoms: rest at home and avoid going out unless necessary.
B. Wear a mask at all times when going out, and avoid entering and leaving venues that are not able to maintain social distances or easy to get in close contact with unspecified people.
C. Do not engage in gatherings or activities that require close contacts, such as dining together, meetings, or public gatherings.
(3) Individuals with COVID-19 complications (moderate and severe illness) should seek for medical assistance as soon as possible and undergo isolation for treatment. They would then be able to come to school after meeting the discharge criteria and being released from isolation.

3. All access control within the school has been returned to normal.

4. Campus access control within the school has been returned to normal.  

5. Campus restaurants:

 Provide spray alcohol, hand sanitizer or hand washing equipment at the entrance.

6.Facility rental services: the indoor and outdoor group activities are allowed to wear masks independently,  indoor spaces and public facilities are cleaned and disinfected in a timely manner, and air circulation is maintained.

7. Guest house 1 and Guest house Ching 10F:
(1) Online booking is open for both venues.
(2) The dining area of Guest House 1 is open for breakfast.

8.  Please wear masks all the time in the following places including Division of Health Service, Center of Counseling Services, and Clinic of NTHU.

9. All management teams of campus buildings should continue to clean and disinfect the building and maintain well ventilation in classrooms and other studying areas.

10. Student Dormitories:

(1) Visitors will need to register online. (Registration Regulation for Dormitory Visitor: https://sthousing.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/406-1254-210209.php?Lang=en)
(2) Sanitize shared areas daily.
(3) Thermometers are available at the service centers for students to borrow.
(4) Place soaps on public wash basins for cleansing.
(5) Janitors should complete hygiene education training.
(6) People are free to decide whether to wear a mask in the dormitory.
(7) Students who have a fever (axillary temperature ≥37.5℃), respiratory symptoms, and other symptoms, please wear a mask and seek medical attention immediately or contact with Division of Health Service (03-574300, Monday to Friday 8:00-17:00) and Division of Student Assistance (03 -5711814, 24 hours) for follow-up care and tracking.  

11. Courses:
(1) In general, all courses will be on-site (Flexible adjustments may be made based on the pandemic situation):
(a) The spontaneous mask-wearing policy will be implemented in the classroom. When there is a special need during teaching, teachers and students may decide to wear or not wear a mask after discussions. In addition, avoid eating in the classroom and sanitize hands properly.
(b) In principle, physical exam should be implemented. The details for grading should be clearly stated in the syllabus. If teachers need to change the syllabus during the term, please explain the situation and your rationales to the class to obtain mutual agreement with the students. If distance teaching is implemented and physical exams are impracticable, various online assessments can be implemented according to the nature of the course in addition to the physical examination, which can be scheduled when allowed. http://ctld.nthu.edu.tw/news/index.php?mode=data&id=3450
(c) Students with COVID-19 who are under self-health management or isolation treatment apply to these options:
i. Individuals with COVID-19 who have mild or no symptoms:0 and 0+5 days of self-health management. For those who require leave, please follow the school's sick leave regulations.
ii.Individuals with moderate to severe COVID symptoms:According to the number of days specified in the isolation treatment notice, please ask the teacher for "epidemic prevention leave", which will not be included in the absence record. Taking leave due to the above circumstances will not deduct your school assessment results.
(2) Classroom precaution measures:
(a) Please perform regular cleaning and disinfection of all indoor spaces, public facilities, and student dormitories in the school, and ensure proper ventilation. 
(b) Provide comprehensive health education and emphasize personal protective measures to the cleaning and disinfection personnel. 

 (3) CTLD’s website for online teaching info and online teaching equipment rental ( https://reurl.cc/l98jbv )

12. Student Club Activities:
Student clubs may hold face-to-face activities. The epidemic prevention measures for club activities should be implemented in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Education.

13. Administrative Methods and Attendance Management:
(1) Each unit shall grasp the health situation of its employees and arrange the substitutes, and distinguish the assignments as "urgent", "non-urgent but still need to do business" and "non-urgent temporary business" and other business. (For the relevant disk list, please go to the Personnel Office website/epidemic prevention area for download.) https://person.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/405-1066-228186,c18254.php?Lang=zh-tw
(2) If  a history of contact with the confirmed patient exists, or have suspected COVID-19 symptoms or flu-like symptoms such as fever, respiratory symptoms, olfactory abnormalities, or unexplained diarrhea, please go to the doctor or screen as soon as possible, and do not go to the office. Ask colleagues to support and have appropriate leaves; apply for work from home depending on the nature of the business, the status of information equipment, and the allocation of manpower.
(3) Leave rules for the staff and workers confirmed positive 
1.  Mild or no symptoms: apply work from home for 5 days (including onset date or screening date) or general leave rules (sick leave, special leave and other leave)
2.  Severe symptoms: take public leave according to certificate of diagnosis

 (4) For work from home application, please fill in the "Application Form for Implementing Work From Home at National Tsing Hua University in Response to the Epidemic Situation", and after being approved by the supervisor of the first-level unit, send it to the personnel office for future reference. (Application form can be found at https://person.site.nthu.edu.tw/p/405-1066-206857,c18254.php?Lang=zh-tw)
(5) Subsequent administrative methods and attendance management will be revised in conjunction with the related guidelines of the government .

14. Faculty and staff business trip: Faculty and staff shall fill in the application form and complete the administrative procedure before going abroad.


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